In support of the Zambia Covid Fund-raising Dinner Dance
Covid 19 has ravaged our continent over the recent months, we have experienced wave after wave of this virus, losing many loved ones in the process.
The good people from the Royal Perth hospital in Perth Australia, have been kind enough to donate Mechanical Ventilators and Consumables, to the people of Zambia.
There is now an urgent need to raise funds to ship these life saving Ventilators from Australia to zambia.
For this cause, and inconjunction with collaborating partners GAZHP and OZALIWA, I am supporting a fundraising Dinner Dance on the 8th of October at the Pagoda Resort in Como, Western Australia.
The event will be from 7pm to midnight, and tickets are going for only $120 per person. Tickets can be purchased via EventBrite.
Help us raise funds to ship these urgently needed life saving equipment.
Dr. Molapo is sponsoring an African initiative that aligns with the content of his book.