“I am not what happens to me, rather I am whom I choose to become.” Carl Jung
Life happens to all of us. We goof, we snooze, we lose… we are humans. Sometimes we get it right, albeit for a flitting frivolity. So one day overlaps into the other, we yearn, we learn, we earn…so life goes on. We dare, we doubt…even through the most dire of times, we live.
True, life is a mystery at the best of times; true, life is an enormous enigma, yet life is simple too… the sun rises from the Eastern sky every mourning morning. The sun sets in the western plains every daunting dusk.
Things happen…so does life.
The most sacrosanct gift life has bequeathed us with, is the gift to choose. Some choose to snooze when life tightens it’s noose. Some choose rather to book a room for a moonlight gazing when poo hits the fan.
It is those choices that really sets the heroes apart. What separates troopers from fools is the ability to face life head-on and never be fazed by the opportunity to choose from two opposing paths.
Here are the 3 scenarios that compel us daily to make choices in life.
Dr Molapo Selepe